Spring Hydrant Flushing completed April 25th

Hydrant Flushing

Spring hydrant flushing was completed on Thursday, April 25th. 

Why we flush hydrants?

· Removes sediment- Loose sediment and other deposits may slowly build up on the inside of the water mains over time causing discolored water. Flushing at the appropriate velocities can remove these sediments and deposits and will improve taste, odor and color that may be problematic e.g. naturally occurring iron or manganese deposits in the distribution system may affect color.

· Reduces biofilm - Biofilm is a thin layer of microorganisms that can grow on the inside of the distribution piping, A proper scouring velocity must be achieved to effectively minimize biofilm.

· Maintains proper distribution system operation- Flushing requires the opening and closing of hydrants and valves to ensure that water moves through pipe segments for effective cleaning. This operational practice also provides water operators with the opportunity to identify broken or inoperable valves and hydrants which is important to ensure that they will work properly in an emergency.

· Improves the age of the water in the distribution system - Flushing can remove water from areas of the distribution system that have low water use. Older water may no longer have the desired chlorine residual.

· Allows the assessment of the flow rate available for firefighting purposes.