Woodland Street Detour Updates

Woodland Street Updates

Update:  2/9/2024

February 9, 2024:  Woodland Street/Factory Pond Dam Project Fact Sheet

January 24, 2024: Project Construction and Schedule Memo

June 30, 2023: the Town submitted an application to MassDOT for the Small Bridge Grant program at 25% design by the Town's engineering firm, Pare Corp., for the bridge over Bogastow Brook (across from the 8 Arch Bridge).  Additionally, Pare has been in design on the Factory Pond Dam with funding from the State, and ultimately Pare's recommendation is for the Town to pursue a capital project to reinforce the superstructure on Woodland Street that the bridge and Factory Pond Dam tie into.   75% design is due in the fall of 2023 and a construction period of 8 months is projected once authorizations are received from the Town's ConCom, MassDOT, the Office of Dam Safety (ODS), and the Army Corps of Engineerings (ACOE). 


Woodland Street traffic will be detoured for the foreseeable future while work is planned and performed on the bridge/culvert located at the Factory Pond Dam (across from the 8 Arch Bridge).

When accessing Woodland Street from the northern end – Washington Street (Rt. 16/126) – traffic will be detoured at Lowland Street.

When accessing Woodland Street from the southern end – area of Central Street and Linden Street – traffic will progress no further than the school complex at Placentino & Miller Elementary Schools.

Though the long-term replacement of this bridge was already in the planning stages, the current state of the bridge requires closure until further notice, per MassDOT and the Town’s independent engineering consultant, PARE Corp.