Good as New & Bookstore


The “The Marie Thorne and Edwina Kirby Book Shoppe” sells gently used books, including mysteries, romance, fiction and non-fiction, children’s books as well as books on CD. Books are all easy to find, arranged by category and then alphabetical by author. Books are very reasonably priced at 50¢ for paperback and $1 for hard cover.

Kathy Loring volunteers her time to manage our Book Store. Stop in and don't be surprised to find the latest best sellers on our shelves!

Donations of gently used books are always appreciated and can be dropped off Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12pm to 3pm. Please call the center with any questions. All monies raised in our shops go directly to support the many programs offered at the Center.

Good as New Shoppe

The Senior Center operates a small thrift shop. The bright and cheerful “Good as New Shop” contains small household items, glassware, knick knacks, puzzles, games and gift items, all sold at very reasonable prices. You never know what you’ll find as new items arrive every week.

Volunteer Sheila Joslin has been organizing and pricing these "treasures" for you to enjoy! So stop in and see what is new in our Good as New Shoppe!

The Good as New Shoppe welcomes donations of new or gently used dishware, knick knacks, holiday decorations, gift items, puzzles and games. Donations can be brought to the Good as New Shoppe during the center's regular hours. Questions about donations can be answered by calling the center at 508-429-0622.