Letter From the Director


Director’s Message – March/April 2023

Change is a constant, the symbol of re-birth, the egg of the Phoenix. – Author unknown

Everything is always, at every second, changing. One of the most welcomed seasonal changes here in New England is the arrival of Spring! It’s our annual reminder that light follows the dark, that warmth follows the cold and that on this great blue marble, life means change, and change is found everywhere all the time – but is particularly noticeable with the arrival of Spring. And with Spring... comes the promise of longer, warmer, lighter days to come. Growing up, spring often went hand-in-hand with “spring-cleaning” and a sense of anticipation and preparation for something lighter, easier and more exciting. In my house, that meant taking out storm windows, more time spent outdoors, shuffling sweaters to cedar chests and tending flower beds - among other things. It was a time of preparation, a shifting from cold to warm, from dark to light, from indoor to outdoor and at least symbolically from challenging to relaxing… As you look ahead to Spring what new items are on your agenda? Perhaps it’s a good time to connect or reconnect with someone who brightens your day, or whose day you can brighten. Maybe you feel like doing a little spring cleaning – whether that means: emptying out some bookshelves, having a friend or family member assist you with decluttering a forgotten closet, bringing old papers to be shredded or any number of potential “clearing” tasks. It could even mean you’ve decided to join one of the many exercise groups at the Holliston Senior Center to help you stretch and strengthen after a sedentary winter. Maybe you call someone who you haven’t spoken to in a while, read a new book, enjoy the warmth of the sun on your back deck, take a class in a subject that always intrigued you … who knows really, the possibilities are many. Maybe it simply means that Spring always offers an opportunity to enjoy a little bit more light, a little bit more warmth, a little bit more: sunshine and flowers, blue skies and music or just another opportunity to enjoy the idea of beginning anew. May you blossom this spring, share your beauty with those around you and bask in the warmth and possibility of a new day. Happy Spring!

Enjoy… Lisa Lisa S. Borchetta, Director—Holliston Senior Center